School Office

The Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm daily. You will be able to leave a message on the answerphone at any time.

The main school gate is closed to vehicles between 8.20am and 9.00am and again between 3.00pm and 4.30pm

The Office Staff deal with all manner of enquiries including:

Child absence: Please telephone the office before 9.00am daily if your child is off sick.

Visiting Teachers Before/After School:  Please sign in at the Office if you need to see your child’s teacher.

Money: We prefer all payments to be made online via Scopay.  If you need to pay by any other means please ensure payments are handed in to the Office in an envelope stating your child’s name and the reason for payment. 

Medicines: If your child needs to have medicine during the school day, please book it in via the Office.

Helping Parents:  If you would like to help your child’s class teacher, either listening to readers, helping with projects or helping to supervise a day visit, please inform the Office and they will arrange for you to have a DBS check.

Leave of Absence:  If you require a leave of absence for your child for Sporting Competitions, Dance Competitions, Music Exams or holidays, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.  Please note that no holidays in term time will be authorised.

Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday Club:  Forms are available in the section below or from the Office.  If you need to contact any of the  Clubs please telephone the school office.

School Hours: School starts at 8.45am and doors open at 8.40am, when supervision of the children will begin. Morning Session:  8.45am – 12.00pm. Afternoon Session:  1.00pm – 3.15pm