Subject leader - Mrs E. Wilkinson

Subject Champions - Sophie C (yr3), Jack P (yr4), Harry F (yr5), Heath L (yr6) 

At Kempshott Junior School the key elements of Physical activity are very important to us. We ensure that children acknowledge and understand the importance of a healthy life style, this includes mental wellbeing and social wellbeing. Children are challenged physically within isolation and game activities, this is done through a variety of different roles such as a participant, a leader, a coach, and an assessor. The curriculum is diverse and encompasses skills that our children will be able to use later in their lives such as team work, working with diverse groups, problems solving, learning new skills – perseverance and resilience and how to be healthy.

Physical Education implementation:

Within Physical Education at Kempshott Junior School we follow the national guidelines for PE. The curriculum is devised and based around progress of skills taught in Key Stage 1 and continue on to enable children to be equipped with skills required at Key Stage 3. The children experience a wide variety of sports and activities within curriculum time, and this is reinforced by extra-curricular clubs. Children have an opportunity to partake in a variety of alternative sports that incorporate the skills and tactics taught in the more traditional sports.

The curriculum is delivered in a creative and purposeful way that encourage the children to work as a team to create and to perform to the best of their ability and engages all children. The children are expected to reflect on their own and others performance in the context that is suitable and respectful.


The impact of this will be evident though positive attitudes towards PE, increased numbers at extra-curricular clubs and though student voice. Children are encouraged to talk about PE with curiosity and interest. The children will be encouraged to try alternative sports and show resilience and perseverance when taking part in PE and other curriculum subjects. The links with outside clubs will continue to grow with more children trialling new sports that are on offer to them. Children demonstrate and understand etiquette during game play and when representing our school in sporting fixtures and activities, such as sports day.

Our Physical Education curriculum enables children to develop skills and understanding form one year to the next. It strengthens skills, tactics, assessment and understanding of how to use these skills across a wide assortment of sports and activities.



       Curriculum Overview                          PE Progression