Art & Design
Subject leader - Mrs H.Andrews
Subject Champions - Sebastian C (yr3), Tormey E (yr4), Isaac B (yr5), Charlotte H (yr6)
At Kempshott Junior School our vision for Art and Design is to give all children opportunities to express themselves and to open their eyes to the world around them, experiencing the a wide variety of art from history and the present day. We aim to provide the opportunity for the children to develop their skills, knowledge and creativity in drawing, painting, 3D form, textiles, collage and printing.
This is implemented through a rich and varied art curriculum which is carefully planned and linked to the topics studied. The curriculum is delivered through inspiring teaching and purposeful lessons, which engage all pupils. In addition to this, the children explore new ideas through studying significant artists throughout history and from different cultures. The children are encouraged to experiment based on a wide range of exciting stimuli, and evaluate and reflect upon their own creations. Sketchbooks are used to record experiences and help the children to their ideas as well as show progression in their artistic ability throughout the year.
The impact of this will be evident through pupil voice; through discussion and feedback children talk enthusiastically about their art lessons and show a genuine curiosity and interest in the areas they have explored. It will also be evident in the children’s knowledge and skills; pupils know how and why it is important to learn and develop creative skills. Pupils know how art and design has shaped and contributed to history. Pupils use acquired vocabulary in lessons. Pupils understand and demonstrate artistic skills through work produced. Our progressive curriculum enables opportunities for pupils to build upon skills from one year to the next to encourage breadth and depth across the subject.
Curriculum Overview Art Progression
Useful Websites
Children can get crafty with lots of fun ideas of things to make. They can play games or test their knowledge by taking quiz. There are also famous pieces of art and artists to explore | You can watch class clips on famous artists, techniques and how to create different things. | There are some useful ‘How to draw’ galleries on this site which give step by step instructions on how draw and paint lots of your favourite people and things. |